Halfway Reflection
This is a reflection of my first half in ENT 3003. 1. What are the behaviors that you have used (or developed) to keep up with the requirements of this course? · One behavior I have developed for this class is creation of a schedule to make sure I get all my work done. Since this class is completely online, it can be easy to forget that you have things due. One thing that helps is that each week the same things are always due: two assignments, two peer reviews, and a cupcake. The schedule I try to follow for this course is that I usually get the first assignment done on Monday and the second either by Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. This way even if I forget to do an assignment I still have two extra days to complete it. For the peer reviews I usually do them Friday. The only assignment I wait until the last second for are the cupcakes since I have to watch the lectures first. I have found that having a rather strict sched...