
Showing posts from February, 2018

Halfway Reflection

This is a reflection of my first half in ENT 3003. 1.      What are the behaviors that you have used (or developed) to keep up with the requirements of this course? ·       One behavior I have developed for this class is creation of a schedule to make sure I get all my work done. Since this class is completely online, it can be easy to forget that you have things due. One thing that helps is that each week the same things are always due: two assignments, two peer reviews, and a cupcake. The schedule I try to follow for this course is that I usually get the first assignment done on Monday and the second either by Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. This way even if I forget to do an assignment I still have two extra days to complete it. For the peer reviews I usually do them Friday. The only assignment I wait until the last second for are the cupcakes since I have to watch the lectures first. I have found that having a rather strict sched...

Reading Reflection No. 1

I read Shoe Dog which was the story of Phil Knight, the founder of Nike. What surprised you the most? The part that surprised me the most was how easily Phil Knight gave credit to others. In the book, it is said that Knight admits that he was not responsible for designing the “swoosh” logo or even coming up with the name Nike itself. He readily gives credit when credit is due and he even admits a lot of his own mistakes. For some reason I pictured the founder of such a large company to be arrogant. What about the entrepreneur did you most admire? Thing one thing that I most admired about Phil Knight was that he made his billion dollar company simply by solving a problem that he had. Knight was a runner himself and realized that there was a problem with the running shoes available during his time and he decided to solve it. I admired this so much about him because it made him seem like a real person who was simply trying to solve his own problems and the problems of other run...

Finding Out Buyer Behavior Part 1

1.      Choosing a segment: I decided to choose parents with children who owned or considered owning a gun or guns. I chose this segment because I believe that it will be the largest of my segments. All of the people I interviewed were all parents but the ages and number of their children varied. The first two people I interviewed were male and the third was female. All three of the interviewees were gun owners or lived with someone who is. 2.      Find three people to interview: The three people I interviewed were all parents with children whose ages varied. All three of the interviewees were gun owners or lived with people who were gun owners. 3.      Begin with need awareness: I made sure that all three of my interviewees had the unmet need that my product offered: gun safety. I made sure of this because these people both had guns and children. Even if the interviewees only had guns they would have had the unmet need...